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The /theworld command lets you venture into The World R:M to explore, reap rewards, and defeat the fragmented phases.
Here is a brief overview of what you can do in The World R:M:
Exploring the Root Towns
- In each Root Town, you can access its Chaos Gate and its main item shop. While not implemented yet, you can also talk to NPCs within the Root Town to get more insight for that town. Each Root Town’s shop is different from the others, and areas you access via the Chaos Gate in one Root Town is different from that of another.
Adventuring in The World R:M
- Just like the .hack games, when you go adventuring, you access the Chaos Gate to enter three Area Words; these Area Words create your Area Word Phrase which determines what kind of area and rewards you will get. When you visit an area, you can choose to focus on gathering EXP, GP, or Chim Spheres. Since you can only go adventuring a few times for a certain time, be sure to think about what you wish to focus on gathering!
Fighting the Fragmented Phases
- No matter what iteration, The World is never completely free from Morganna’s influence. Weaker versions of the Phases make their return in The World R:M, and it’s up to players like you to protect this new world. The closer you are to a Phase’s level, the higher the chance you have of defeating them; if you fail to defeat them, you are data drained and are at risk in losing levels and currency. Defeating a Phase will grant you huge EXP as well as their title; defeating them underlevel will also grant you their alternative title and a trophy exclusive to that Phase.
Usage Examples
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